• youreads puanı (5.50)

  1. grant miller'in italyon disko türünde çıkardığı teklisi, türünün klasiklerindendir.

    here it comes the train of fame
    steaming through the night
    dreams on sale for everyone
    tales in black and white
    betty davies eyes stare into the night
    mick and tina turn down the lights

    california train
    stars and heroes
    the old american dream
    california train
    stars and heroes
    watch out hollywood
    here they come!

    moonlight shines on madonna's hair
    night time's growing short
    fancy kings and movie stars
    talking about the law
    rex and fred are drinking
    champagne at the bar
    frankie shades and laso are dreamin' afar

    california train
    stars and heroes
    the old american dream
    california train
    stars and heroes
    watch out hollywood
    here they come!